Herspiral Sig Photo

Herspiral Sig Photo

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Miksang (please see earlier post for full description) has already filled up for April 1! If you are still interested in taking it, please email me at herspiral@yahoo.com. The next date available is 4/29/2006. I recommend signing up now, as the first class filled quite quickly. We celebrated Miksang on 3/19 as part of Shambhala Arts Day at the Shambhala Center, and it was quite exciting. Thank you all for your continued interest and support. If we get enough students, we can have a regular Miksang group - we can shoot together and review pictures once a month.
Miriam Hall at Poetry Reading as part of Africa Diaspora Conference, 3/24

I am going to be doing one of those still-pretty-rare-for Miriam-Hall readings this Friday, 3/24, at the MCCCA (Madison Center for Creative and Cultural Arts, 310 W. Dayton, behind the White Horse Inn), 8-10pm, as part of a larger group.

Some of the other featured poets included Daniel Kunene, Mukoma Wa Ngugi and Ray Hsu. There will be a dozen excellent poets, present and reading for our pleasure. Do come if you have the chance; the reading is a part of a larger conference about Africa and its Diaspora occuring on the UW campus this next weekend.

For a link to the conference, please see:
and a link to the MCCCA, http://www.mccca.net/events.htm
And to my blog, where I keep track of such things and my classes:

Many thanks for all those who showed up to the last reading, and for all your continued support, whether over email, in person, or in brain waves.